Wednesday, August 18, 2004

the difference b/w female and male

the difference between males and females.....

When we expect the opposite sex to think and act the way our own gender would we have communication problems. We may be one in the spirit, but there is a vast difference on the biological level. This effects out emotional, mental and physical reality.

These differences can act as a barrier to our greatest learning tool. There are many books out on the subject of male/female communication to help sort out the misunderstandings. However, if you find yourself caught in the karmic loop of your parents relationship, you may not see clearly where and how change can happen.

Often times the way we see ourselves is filtered through the eyes of the man or woman in our life. And if by chance the relationship game fails, we hold it against ourselves and let it create a blueprint for further failures. At some point we become sincere in our efforts to get to the bottom of what is blocking our relationships with others, but not until we get sincere about getting to know ourselves first.

Our relationships with the opposite sex are like looking at ourselves in a mirror. The reflection is the same but reversed. The differences are designed for us to see ourselves in each other, but we have to turn our mind around to get the message. If the goal is to get to the spirit level, the journey will be enriching. But if you are trying to make the pieces fit together in order to fulfill the fairytale image passed down from your family lineage, it can be a bumpy road.

Males have scoratory love. Simply put, this is the love to score, which also means to get or to conquer. He could score on a woman for his ego purposes or use this energy inwardly and score on that which bugs him. In other words, he can conquer the beast within. This is a destructive force and it divides. If this seems negative, remember it was Jesus who said, "I have not come to bring peace but to cause division."

Scoratory love is an excellent energy to use to help get rid of the out-dated ideas and concepts that are no longer working. In order to clean out the garbage one must use this male energy. You do not have to have a male body to run male energy, nor do you have to have a female body to run female energy. The key, however, to successfully using your male and female energy is to have your mind on when you use it.

Females come equipped with conjugal love, which means marriage love. This energy is unifying. It knows nothing of destruction and is solely a creative energy. Females have it so they can have children and families. If not engaged in making a baby, females have a lot of energy left over to use in other creative ways. They can use it to make a baby out of just about anything, including a male, a project or even an illness. A female must be clear on what they want to create if they run this energy, because it has been known to run a female.

When males and females get together the tendency is to rely on the opposite sex to fulfill what the other believes they are lacking. The male forgets about his own female energy and vice versa with the female. If this dependency gets really strong, then both become weaker and more needy of the other. The weight of the relationship gets heavy under all the expectations.

When couples break up they usually are just trying to get space so they can grow and learn again. For most people it is not the case that they don't know how to keep a relationship together, it is that one or both simply doesn't want to, though they usually can't admit to it. That is why many self help books don't work. When we realize that we each have an abundance of both male and female energy within, we can learn to be mated to our own soul and attract to ourselves someone who is doing the same. Then we can truly say we are one in the spirit.


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